- 『CULTIVATE BIBLE』 正義と微笑と60人のカルチベイト考
B6縦変形・上製本・378ページ 2024年4月4日 発行:大橋保隆 (株式会社カルチベイト) 編集:田中辰幸(ツバメコーヒー)佐藤裕美
◆通販はこちら← - 2023年の展示の記録をEXHIBITIONのところにUPしました。
- 『ZINEおかけん』
岡﨑乾二郎の読者 鑑賞者によるファンジン/ 執筆:imdkm・オカダ・江永泉・温泉マーク・コイズミアヤ・南森町三郎・ハハハ・夜夏/ デザイン:水野幸司
A5 64p 付録付 2023/5/21発行
私は「Fの星座「先行するF」とヒュームからの印象」と題して、『抽象の力』の補論「先行するF」を元に、漢字のパズルによる詩作の試み(専用用紙の付録つき)と「『芸術の設計』読書会を開いたらワークショップ検討会をすることになった理由」 温泉マーク(編) に参加しています。
◆店舗取扱 弐拾dBさん(広島 尾道)/長谷川書店(京都 水無瀬)/楓画廊(新潟市)/コ本や(東京 神楽坂) - ファンダメンタルズ2023に参加しています。
- 古典四重奏団『ベートーヴェン弦楽四重奏曲全集』のアートワークを担当しました。
2023/6/12発売!各レコード店および →クレアシオンのサイト
Snow and my work
In 2009, I moved from Tokyo to Nagaoka. Although I have no connection to this area, I have settled in here quite well. The biggest difference is the snow. Unlike the Pacific coast, this part of Japan is rather cloudy and grey, constantly raining or snowing during the winter. I have heard that people living in this part of Japan often suffer from depression due to shortage of sunlight. However, despite of all this, it turns out that this climate and living environment have suited me.
The winter in Nagaoka has relatively mild temperatures and high humid, which is perfect for bigger snowflakes. There are no tall buildings to obstruct my view so that I can get the view that extends miles and miles away. I enjoy the view of snowflakes gently falling in the distance. The snowflakes move slowly and seem to be as if they are floating in the air. Those snowflakes become denser and denser as my vision goes far away. This gives me a sense of the size of space, and I am amazed by the massive amount of snow falling on the ground. Both the fineness and vastness of the snow blow away the emotional atmosphere, and then it turns into merciless threat.
Since I moved here, my perspective on space has changed. I started to feel as if this empty space were filled with water in which exists a solid mass like an external mold of the substance. I felt as if I could measure that amount. This feeling gives me a clue for my creations, which transfer something invisible into a concrete figure.